Thanks to the interim managers that VVT finds, organisations all over Estonia and abroad have been able to implement vital changes.

What our clients say about us

"The biggest advantage of interim management for me is that it lets you achieve the results you’re aiming for a lot more quickly. It means you can skip the whole learning-from-your-mistakes bit and rely on the enormous amount of experience that comes with it, which all leads to an even higher level of quality and certainty when you’re making decisions."

Kaire Lukkanen-Jaas | CEO, Eesti Killustik
"Nobody who founds a company can boast that they’re competent in every area. That’s why they occasionally need someone to act as a mirror to them, to complement the team and to look at the company from a different angle. Here at Krimelte we hired an interim CEO from VVT whose first-rate experience and personal qualities were perfectly suited to the company and its everyday management. I’d encourage every company to think about hiring a interim manager."

Jaan Puusaag | Owner and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Krimelte
"Developments in our company meant that the team just weren’t getting their work done on time anymore, and the limited time I had available to me meant I couldn’t deal with everything. That’s why we needed a new management approach and structure – and that’s exactly what we’re implementing at the moment, surprisingly quickly and successfully it has to be said, with our interim CEO and VVT."

Erkki Hansen | Owner, Welding Group
"For our team here at Velvet, VVT’s been like the head trainer in some sports competition, using their experience and intelligence to help us work together to achieve the goals we’ve set ourselves. They inspire and encourage us to always do more, and always do it better – and give us advice on how we can do that without injuring ourselves in the process."

Pärtel Vurma | CEO, Velvet
"We felt like we were treading water, and in ever-changing market conditions that’s not something a successful company can afford to do. VVT’s been of huge help, giving us advice on coming up with and implementing new plans. We’re all sleeping much more soundly now we know we have a team of professionals supporting us, pooling ideas and helping to give us a new face and a new identity so that we can become a stronger and more successful company."

Margus Lever | CEO, Event Center


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Interim management is a management tool which brings into an organisation or company an interim manager who is highly qualified, has the skills and experience needed by the client, implements the agreed changes and achieves the agreed objectives within the timeframe given.


An executive search (also known as headhunting) is a thorough, pro-active search for a manager or specialist. As a result, we find the best players in their fields, whose skills and experience meet the requirements of your company and the position in question.


VVT’s trainers will take your organisation and team to a new level of development in your field. We are providing trainings in the following areas: management trainings, HR trainings, communications, production and sales.


An interim manager is a highly qualified professional, mostly with international work and/or entrepreneurial experience, who has had a successful career in general management or in specific fields and who seeks to constantly boost their competence and develop.



Thanks to the interim managers that VVT finds, organisations all over Estonia and abroad have been able to implement vital changes. What our clients say about us Clients OUR SERVICES LATEST BLOG POSTS

Teele Tohver


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